Rio Tinto Iceland

Jan 10, 2024

Yellow Flower

Rio Tinto Iceland - Solving a complex use case

The Challenge

Rio Tinto Iceland is a leading aluminum smelter in Iceland they produce high-quality and green aluminum and protecting the health and safety of their employees is important to them. The operating sites of the aluminum smelter are visited by a number of contractors and visitors every year and making sure that everyone visiting the area has a reason to do so and has received the necessary safety training is paramount for the operations of the company.

Contractor Management

To be able to better control that qualified contractors are working at the smelter, Rio Tinto opted for the contractor management Add-On. The Add-On enables contractors coming to the site to request access before they arrive and submit information about their qualifications and experience. The applications are then approved or denied by contractor management at Rio Tinto. Once an application is approved the contractor is enrolled in the relevant safety training in the LMS based on the access authorization the contractor has.

Automatic Enrollments Based on Various Factors

To leverage the contractor management the addon the data from there was used to automatically enroll contractors based on a few factors such as the language that they speak, their access requirements, and the type of work they need to perform.

Improved Security

Once a contractor completes their safety course it is registered in the contractor management add-on and an email is sent to the security office of the factory to issue a temporary access card for the relevant contractor. The system also makes sure to let the security office know when the access period expires and the card should be deactivated.