A trusted partner for engaging safety training

A trusted partner for engaging safety training

A trusted partner for engaging safety training

Our commitment

A trusted Partner

A trusted Partner

A trusted Partner

The Icelandic hospitality sector has been booming for the last decade, bringing with it a lot of challenges such as hiring and training new employees at scale. As the hospitality companies grew bigger and spread out to many locations the cost and complexity of on-site training became increasingly more painful. This prompted these companies to look for other solutions. We have been fortunate enough to be trusted by some of those companies to develop eLearning content that takes on the unique challenges associated with each organization and reduces the cost of training significantly.

The Icelandic hospitality sector has been booming for the last decade, bringing with it a lot of challenges such as hiring and training new employees at scale. As the hospitality companies grew bigger and spread out to many locations the cost and complexity of on-site training became increasingly more painful. This prompted these companies to look for other solutions. We have been fortunate enough to be trusted by some of those companies to develop eLearning content that takes on the unique challenges associated with each organization and reduces the cost of training significantly.

The Icelandic hospitality sector has been booming for the last decade, bringing with it a lot of challenges such as hiring and training new employees at scale. As the hospitality companies grew bigger and spread out to many locations the cost and complexity of on-site training became increasingly more painful. This prompted these companies to look for other solutions. We have been fortunate enough to be trusted by some of those companies to develop eLearning content that takes on the unique challenges associated with each organization and reduces the cost of training significantly.


Collect Information

Challenging high employee turnover

Challenging high employee turnover

Challenging high employee turnover

The hospitality industry has faced the problem of high employee turnover for many years. This brings many challenges, such as losing the people with the "know-how" skills and having to spend valuable time and resources training new employees. Through our services, you can collect the knowledge skills from your best employees and share those resources with new employees through engaging and high-quality courses.

The hospitality industry has faced the problem of high employee turnover for many years. This brings many challenges, such as losing the people with the "know-how" skills and having to spend valuable time and resources training new employees. Through our services, you can collect the knowledge skills from your best employees and share those resources with new employees through engaging and high-quality courses.

The hospitality industry has faced the problem of high employee turnover for many years. This brings many challenges, such as losing the people with the "know-how" skills and having to spend valuable time and resources training new employees. Through our services, you can collect the knowledge skills from your best employees and share those resources with new employees through engaging and high-quality courses.

Our commitment

Make Sure you Reach Everyone

Make Sure you Reach Everyone

Make Sure you Reach Everyone

The hospitality sector brings together a wide variety of talented people working together towards one common goal. The working environment of those employees is also inherently different and the eLearning content must accommodate that to deliver the desired results. To make the most of our courses we make sure to develop many small learning units that can then be reused or reorganized to many different courses and modified to suit every group within the organization.

The hospitality sector brings together a wide variety of talented people working together towards one common goal. The working environment of those employees is also inherently different and the eLearning content must accommodate that to deliver the desired results. To make the most of our courses we make sure to develop many small learning units that can then be reused or reorganized to many different courses and modified to suit every group within the organization.

The hospitality sector brings together a wide variety of talented people working together towards one common goal. The working environment of those employees is also inherently different and the eLearning content must accommodate that to deliver the desired results. To make the most of our courses we make sure to develop many small learning units that can then be reused or reorganized to many different courses and modified to suit every group within the organization.


Collect Information

Keep Your Learners Engaged

Keep Your Learners Engaged

Keep Your Learners Engaged

To create courses that are engaging we use different media to deliver the knowledge. We offer high-quality videos that can be interactive when applicable. Additionally, we use a mix of text and graphics, interactive modules, and knowledge checks. We also try to break the content up into small modules to improve retention and allow the users to keep a good momentum through the course.

To create courses that are engaging we use different media to deliver the knowledge. We offer high-quality videos that can be interactive when applicable. Additionally, we use a mix of text and graphics, interactive modules, and knowledge checks. We also try to break the content up into small modules to improve retention and allow the users to keep a good momentum through the course.

To create courses that are engaging we use different media to deliver the knowledge. We offer high-quality videos that can be interactive when applicable. Additionally, we use a mix of text and graphics, interactive modules, and knowledge checks. We also try to break the content up into small modules to improve retention and allow the users to keep a good momentum through the course.

Our commitment

Include Quality in Your Training

Include Quality in Your Training

Include Quality in Your Training

Quality and sustainability are important aspects of today's hospitality industry. Many companies have decided to follow the frameworks of local or international standards to ensure their operations comply with the most applicable standards of quality and sustainability. We make sure that the eLearning content matches your standard and find ways to bring it into the training so you can get the most out of your courses.

Quality and sustainability are important aspects of today's hospitality industry. Many companies have decided to follow the frameworks of local or international standards to ensure their operations comply with the most applicable standards of quality and sustainability. We make sure that the eLearning content matches your standard and find ways to bring it into the training so you can get the most out of your courses.

Quality and sustainability are important aspects of today's hospitality industry. Many companies have decided to follow the frameworks of local or international standards to ensure their operations comply with the most applicable standards of quality and sustainability. We make sure that the eLearning content matches your standard and find ways to bring it into the training so you can get the most out of your courses.


Collect Information

Three for One

Three for One

Three for One

Outsourcing is a global trend on the rise. The energy and utility sectors are no exception there with many contractors and partners working within the operating areas of our clients every year. To ensure their safety we can modify the content we have created for employees. The content can also be modified to inform guests about the main hazards and safety protocols at each site ensuring that everyone within your organization stays safe.

Outsourcing is a global trend on the rise. The energy and utility sectors are no exception there with many contractors and partners working within the operating areas of our clients every year. To ensure their safety we can modify the content we have created for employees. The content can also be modified to inform guests about the main hazards and safety protocols at each site ensuring that everyone within your organization stays safe.

Outsourcing is a global trend on the rise. The energy and utility sectors are no exception there with many contractors and partners working within the operating areas of our clients every year. To ensure their safety we can modify the content we have created for employees. The content can also be modified to inform guests about the main hazards and safety protocols at each site ensuring that everyone within your organization stays safe.

Main Features of Our Courses

Interactive modules

We create interactive simulations of equipment, software, and workflows so users can deal with real-life challenges.

Interactive Videos

Our interactive videos keep learners engaged and make sure they are paying attention to the video

Awesome Graphics

We make our content visual with awesome graphics and infographics

Easily Consumed Content

Short modules that are easy to complete and enable learners to keep a good momentum through the course

Works Well on any Device

Our courses work well on any device, ideal for office workers and field workers alike.

In Many Languages

Our courses can be in many languages and we have certified translators for the world's main languages.

Works in any LMS

We can deliver the content in any format that works for your system and always try to publish our content in a format that works best for the LMS in use.

Train your partners

By slightly modifying the content we can usually create a course that partners, contractors, and guests can take.

Scenario Based Training

Allow your employees to deal with difficult customers or challenging scenarios through our scenario simulations.